Why Should I Replace my Struts?

Updated May 23, 2016 Struts or MacPherson Struts (named after the inventor) wear gradually so most drivers do not notice the difference in ride quality and braking ability.  The purpose of the Struts is to keep the tires planted firmly on the road at all times. Properly operating struts improve ride quality, braking distance, the […]

What did Winter leave behind?

After the Winter snow has melted we find potholes were left behind on roads, streets, and parking lots. Potholes are caused when freezing water inside of asphalt expands, causing larger cracks and breakage. While they seem more of a bother than harmful, a pothole can cause major damage to you suspension system.   Your Suspension […]

Those Potholes….

During and after the harsh winter weather comes those potholes…  Potholes are caused by water freezing and expanding in asphalt cracks; causing breakage and holes. It’s impossible to judge the size or depth of a pothole, especially if they are filled with water. When at all possible avoid running over or through one. Often people […]